Reviews and Critiques

Saving the World and Being Happy (The Computer Ager)

by R. Eric Swanepoel
London: Publish Britannica, 2004

Eric Swanepoel’s book is a revolutionary political statement written in the form of a fairy tale for adults. Fairy tales are about the triumph of virtue and intelligence over evil.  They have glorious happy endings, after which the Prince and the Princess and all of the people live happily ever after. Unfortunately, we live in a period of history in which evil is ascendant and people have lost their confidence that virtue and intelligence can ever overcome it. That is why it is a very good time to read this fairy tale.

Read more: Saving the World and Being Happy (The Computer Ager)

Professional Peace

Treatment and harm reduction professionals need to make peace

Bruce Alexander. The Canadian Nurse. Apr 2009. Vol. 105, Iss. 4; pg. 40, 1 pgs

Abstract (Summary)

One of the deepest feuds dividing the field of addiction is between those practitioners who treat drug addiction by supporting people who are striving to abstain and those who reduce harm by providing clean needles and methadone to confirmed drug addicts. These two groups can infuriate each other. Treatment practitioners may equate harm reduction with enabling addicts to continue a self-destructive habit. Harm reduction practitioners may think that treatment proponents aren't willing to acknowledge that many addicted people the before they "hit bottom" and rebound into effective interventions.

Read more: Professional Peace

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